- RECREATE EPIC NAVAL BATTLES: Compared to a German Type VII C submarine, the Marcello-class were much larger, displacing 1,060 tons versus 769. Speed and range between the two classes were almost similar, but the Marcello-class had more torpedo tubes than the famous U-Boat.
- Created by Warlord Games – Capable of 45 knots, the Italian Motoscafo Armato Silurante (Armed Torpedo Boat) or MAS Boats were extremely active in the Mediterranean theatre. Though they were not well suited to rougher seas, they still achieved a great deal of note, including the torpedoing of HMS Capetown and an attack on the harbour of Malta, though the latter was a failure that cost two MAS Boats.
- BATTLE FOR THE SEAS: This Regia Marina booster set – Includes 7 Vessels, Ship Cards and Assembly Cards. Everything you need to recreate war at sea!
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